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Soroka Oksana Mykhaylivna


Med. pravo., 2018; 1(21): 54-64

UDС: 159.955+614.253.4


Head of Legal Department, assistant of the Department of Social Medicine, Public Health Organization and Medical Jurisprudence Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University

Formation of a Legal Thinking in the Process of Professional
Education of Doctors in Higher Medical Educational Institutions

Modern tendencies of educational activity demonstrate that having a legalknowledge in the course of conducting professional activity is both an indexof high level of intelligence and of a rich outlook. Nowadays it is a demand oftime for the majority of qualified professionals, who are needed by the labormarket. The health care system in this respect is not an exception.Increasing the quality of medical care depends in the level of medicaleducation, which was obtained by a medical doctor on the one hand and on theother hand it depends on his or her ability to effectively apply his knowledge and skills in the while performing professionals tasks. Legal thinking enablesa doctor to understand current laws, apply these laws to a specific situation,which arose in practice and to legally realize the facts, which shall be regulated by a legal rule.

Eliminating troubles of the transitional period, perspective of implementation
of the new health care system in Ukraine require from medical professionals
that they realize and understand the necessity to be aware of current health
laws, legal acts, which regulate the activities of the health care administration
bodies as well health care facilities, the basics of law in medicine, rights and
responsibilities of patients and medical providers.
Being aware of and understanding of legal rules and provisions, which are
fixed in the laws, which regulate the health care system is a ground for creating
legal thinking of medical doctors, prevention of human rights violations in this
sphere, ability to protect one’s own rights and rights of patients.

Key words: legal thinking, professional education of doctors, medical law.

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