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Med. pravo., 2019; 1(23): 65-73

UDС: 07:340.6:61–049.3


Assistant Professor at the Department of Medical Law, Faculty of Postgraduate Education of Danylo Halitskyi National Medical University of Lviv,deputy chairman of the Committee for Medical and PharmaceuticalLaw and Bioethics of the NBAU, President of LRCF "Medicine and Law"Executive secretary of the scientific and practical journal "MedicalLaw ", a partner of the bar association "Medlex"

Types of information as the object of civil legal relations in the field of medical services

The article analyzes current legislation of Ukraine concerning information in general and health information in particular. The concept of information as an object of civil legal relations in the field of medical services has been described, and it is proposed to consider it as information and/or data about the patient, that is, on the state of health of the patient, his/her diagnosis, the purpose of the proposed research and medical measures, the process and results of the provision of health care, a forecast of the possible development of the disease, including risks to life and health, as well as the data of the health care institution, stored on tangible media or displayed electronically. The types of information in the field of health care are disclosed according to some criteria. The information in the field of public health is restricted to open and restricted access and the types of information with restricted access are analyzed. Some aspects of commercial secrecy in health care institutions are investigated. It is determined that domestic legislation is quite fragmentary in regulating the issues of certain types of information in the field of health care.

Key words: medical information; objects of the information; ministerial secret; public information; commercial secret; confidential information.

Reference list:

1. Kohanovska O. V. (2006) Teoretychni problemy informacijnyh vidnosyn u cyvilnomu pravi: monografiya. Kyyiv: Vydavnycho-poligrafichnyj centr «Kyyivskyj universytet». 463 s.

2. Senyuta I. Ya. (2018) Cyvilno-pravove regulyuvannya vidnosyn u sferi nadannya medychnoyi dopomogy: pytannya teoriyi i praktyky: monografiya. Lviv: Vydavnyctvo LOBF «Medycyna i pravo». 640 s.

3. Stefanchuk R. O. (2007) Osobysti nemajnovi prava fizychnyh osib u cyvilnomu pravi (ponyattya, zmist, systema, osoblyvosti zdijsnennya ta zahystu): monografiya / vidp. red. Ya. M. Shevchenko. Hmelnyckyj: Vyd-vo Hmelnyckogo un-tu upravlinnya ta prava. 626 s.

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