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Senyuta Iryna Yaroslavivna


Med. pravo., 2018; 1(21): 42-53

UDС: 340.6:61047.37


Candidate of legal sciences, associate professor, head of the department of medical law of the Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University, chief editor of the scientific and practical journal “Medical law”, attorney at law, Chief of the Committee on Medical, Pharmaceutical Law and Bioethics of the Ukrainian National Bar Association, president of the NGO “Foundation of Medical Law and Bioethics of Ukraine”, member of the World Association for Medical Law and European Association of Health Law


Civil-Legal Relations in the Sphere of Carrying out Medical Experiments


The definition of a notion and categorical apparatus was suggested, in
particular “medical clinical experiment”, “medical non-clinical experiment”,
“civil-legal relations in the sphere of carrying out medical experiments”.
International standards, national laws and practice of the European Court
of Human Rights in this sphere were analyzed and proposals as regards to
improvement of the legal mechanisms of carrying out medical experiments
were made. Features of the civil relations in the sphere of carrying out medical
experiments and their essence were highlighted. Such features include:
1) relations of carrying out medical experiments are the composing part of the
relations connected with the human right to life and relations in the sphere
of medical care provision; 2) medical experiment is a specific object of these
relations, which is connected with its multidisciplinary character and features; 3) the complexity of the subject construction, which, in particular, is not clearly
defined in the legislation, diversified, double nature of the person, who is being
experimented on, since he or she is both a subject and quasi-subject; 4) specific bioethics content of the legal relations.

Key words: medical experiments, civil-legal relations, medical clinical
experiment, medical non-clinical experiment, human rights. 

Reference list:

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