Med. pravo., 2019; 1(23): 18-25
UDС: 351.77.004.9
Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Department of Civil Law Disciplines atV.N. Karazin National University named of Kharkiv
E-health in the public administration: is it possible to use electronic physician-bot
The purpose of the article is to identify peculiarities and prospects of using electronic health system in different countries. This study is based on normative legal acts of various states and international organizations, reports of the World Health Organization and legal doctrine in the field of medical law. Legal basis of the electronic health system provides opportunities for its effective use and patient confidence. Patient safety mechanisms, data protection and ethical standards related to the collection and use of patient information are needed in order to establish legal clarity between healthcare providers and consumers. The introduction of ICT in the practice of health care provides additional benefits for the services concerned and promotes the development of specialist skills for healthcare professionals. It is important to involve all stakeholders in the process of national health reform, and it is extremely important for countries to consider health information and access to it as key factors for the transformation and standardization of health care delivery systems. To improve the provision of medical and social care, it is necessary to clearly identify all potential consumers and providers of medical information. It is crucial that effective national healthcare reforms take into account patient opinions in order to identify the best ways to use the tools and services of the electronic healthcare system in order to provide more comprehensive assistance and active involvement of the population in the care of their own health and well-being.
Key words: e-health; public administration; health information; healthcare providers; healthcare consumers.
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