Med. pravo., 2018; 2(22): 50-57
UDС: 340.6:004:364.7
Assistant Professor at the Department of Medical Law, Faculty of Postgraduate Education of Danylo Halitskyi National Medical University of Lviv,deputy chairman of the Committee for Medical and PharmaceuticalLaw and Bioethics of the NBAU, President of LRCF "Medicine and Law"Executive secretary of the scientific and practical journal "MedicalLaw ", a partner of the bar association "Medlex"
Patients’ Rights Under Electronic Health System Introduction: Some Compliance Issues
The role and importance of information relations has increasedin the context of scientific and technological progress. In particular, legal aspects of the introduction of the e-health system, the dissemination of information using digital media both within a single state and at the international level, the creation of electronic registries, which in turn will enable e-counseling; are worth mentioning. Introduction of the electronic healthcare system requires a significant amount of regulatory frameworks that would serve the proper functioning of the system and the observance of the subjects’ of medical legal relationsrights.
The concept and features of e-health functioning have been highlighted in thestudy. The proposed by the legislators definition of the medical information and the novels of medical reform in the context of e-health concept has been researched. The author has proposed the definition of medical information. The normative dissonance between the Procedure for the functioning of the electronic healthcare system and the Law of Ukraine «On the Protection of Personal Data» regarding the procedure for processing the patient’s personal data has been analyzed.
Key words: medical information, electronic health system, electronic health, patients’ rights.
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