Med. pravo., 2018; 2(22): 32-40
UDС: 340.6:61:004
Doctor of legal sciences, associate professor, head of the Department of civil, commercial and ecological law of the Poltava Law Institute of National University «Yaroslav the Wise Law Academy of Ukraine»
Blockhain Technology іn the Health Care System: Issues оf Legal Protection
The possibilities of using block-chain technology in the healthcare sphere have been analyzed. Regulatory legal acts, the introduction of which can be a prerequisite for the use of the above technology, have been considered. Theoretical basis of legal maintenance of block-chain technology in public health services, including that with the purpose of protection of the patients’ rights, have been established. The necessity of legal regulation of the use of the said technology by various subjects of civil law has been substantiated, taking into account the private-law nature of the issue. The procedure for the technology application has been clarified, both in the implementation of medical practice and pharmaceutical activities. As a result, there have been made conclusions on the prospects for implementing blockchain technologies in the daily practice of healthcare. Since the technology in question is relatively new, there is an almost complete lack of a regulatory framework for its provision. The necessity of developing an appropriate base has been justified, with the use of the example of foreign countries’ experience.
In general, it is likely that the issue of lack of legal clarity and unambiguous regulation of block-chain technology in healthcare generates uncertainty of the legal provision for the protection of patients’ rights.
Key words: blockade, electronic prescription, protection of patients’ rights, circulation of medicines, subjects of medical practice.
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