Med. pravo., 2018; 2(22): 24-31
UDС: 347.121.2.02:[614.253.84:57.08](477)(045)
Post-graduate student of the Intellectual Property Research Institute of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine
Legal Regulation оf the Biobanks Activity іn Ukraine
The author explores the issues of biobanking legal regulation in Ukraine. In the article there have been analyzed current legislation from the point of view of biobanking regulation completeness; the conclusions and recommendations for the improvement of the national legislation and adoption of relevant legal acts as to the activities of biobanks have been formulated. It has been concluded that the problem regarding legal regulation of biobank activity exists at international and domestic level of legislation, as well. There is no complex laws for regulation of biobank activity. Donors’ legal status is one of the key issues in the biobanking, that is why it should be foreseen in the law in order to ensure donors’ human rights. Nowadays, there is no relevant legal act in Ukraine to regulate the selection of human biological material for research, and the procedure for carrying out proper medical and biological research on such biological material. One should keep in mind that biobanking covers not only in the issues of law or medicine but also such of ethics, morality, religion and so on. Legislation should be improved taking into account ethical, religious, cultural characteristics and differences in the modern world, it shall help to achieve a reasonable balance between the interests of different interested parties.
Key words: legal regulation, biobank, biological material, donor, biomedical research.
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