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Senyuta Iryna Yaroslavivna


Med. pravo., 2017; 2(20): 59-70

UDС: 340.6 : 614.25


Candidate of legal sciences, associate professor, head of the department of medical law of the Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University, chief editor of the scientific and practical journal “Medical law”, attorney at law, Chief of the Committee on Medical, Pharmaceutical Law and Bioethics of the Ukrainian National Bar Association, president of the NGO “Foundation of Medical Law and Bioethics of Ukraine”, member of the World Association for Medical Law and European Association of Health Law

Legal Custom as a Source of Law and Regulator of the Relations in the Sphere of Medical Care Provision

The issues of legal regulation of the relations in the sphere of medical care provision by means of legal custom were researched in article. Different approaches, which exist in the legal literature, on understanding the notion and specific features of a legal custom were analyzed. Conditions of applying the legal custom were elucidated. Such conditions are as follows: absence of the legislative and contractual regulation of the relations and such legal customs do not contradict the contract and acts of civil legislation. Examples of application of the legal customs in the sphere of medical care provision with a reference to a court practice were provided. Two legal customs were elucidated in detail: the existence of a hospital ward doctor and a concilium of doctors. The differentiation between the notions “custom”, “custom of medical practice”, “legal custom in the sphere of medical care provision”. The definition of a legal custom in the sphere of medical provision was formulated. Under the term legal custom in the sphere of medical care provision one shall understand an established rule of behavior, which is sanctioned by the state, as a result of being applied multiple times and became obligatory and is used in the health care facilities in the course of organization and provision of medical care to patients.

Key words: legal custom, source of law, legal relations in the sphere of medical care provision.

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