Med. pravo., 2017; 2(20): 44-58
UDС: 608.1:61:34(479.24)
Doctor of medical sciences, professor of the department of forensic medicine of the Baku State University, chief of the Azerbaijan Unit of the UNESCO Chair of Bioethics, deputy head of the UNESCO National Committee on Bioethics of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan
PhD candidate of the Institute of Law and Human Rights of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan
Formation of Bioethics and Medical Law in the Republic of Azerbaijan as a Sole Complex Science
The article analyzes the prerequisites and the process of the formation of bioethics and medical law as a unified complex science. Bioethics as a new complex science encompasses the sphere of interdisciplinary researches, medical practice (clinical and experimental medicine) and human values, investigates the subject of the protection of human right to life and health in modern conditions.
The processes of globalization, scientific and technical progress and modern trends in the sphere of public health have had a great influence on its formation. Rapid development in the field of biotechnologies and medicine led to the emergence of a large number of moral, ethical and legal problems, the solution of which is called upon to deal with bioethics and medical law as a science. The authors review historical events that attracted public attention to the need to respect ethical values and human rights. Moreover, numerous international organizations and documents adopted by them have been mentioned that have influenced the development of bioethics. In conclusion, the authors overview the development of bioethics and medical law, as well as successes in this field in Azerbaijan.
Key words: bioethics, medical law, ethical issues, legal issues, bioethics in Azerbaijan.
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