Med. pravo., 2017; 2(20): 71-82
UDС: 347.951.3:340.66:614.252
Candidate of medical sciences, associate professor, head of the course on forensic medicine of the I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University
Candidate of legal sciences, lecturer of the department of social disciplines of the I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University
Candidate of medical sciences, associate professor, chief of the regional bureau of forensic medical examination of the Zhytomyr regional council
Attorney at law at “Glovak and Partners” law firm
Peculiarities of Questions, Foreseen by Resolutions on Appointment of Forensic-Medical Examination in Cases of Violations of Professional Duties by Medical Professionals
The article presents a study of the materials in 231 cases of commission forensic medical examination, appointed in cases of improper fulfillment of professional duties by medical professionals, which were prepared in the Ternopil and Zhytomyr Forensic Medical Examination Bureau. 2185 questions, foreseen in the resolutions on assignment of forensic-medical examinations were explored. These questions were formulated in order to establish specific circumstances of a medical incidents and which needed to be proved. Drawbacks of the content, formulation and wording of the questions, which were prepared by the instigators and sent to forensic experts, were highlighted. Among the drawbacks of the formulation of questions, the authors highlighted the following: repetitive questions, questions that are not legally correct or provocative, questions that do not fall within the competence of forensic expertise, questions that are difficult by their composition or content, questions of abstract possibility. It is concluded that in more than 90% of cases when investigators passed resolutions on the assigning of forensic medical examination in "medical matters", some of the questions were formulated incorrectly. The ways of expanding the possibilities of forensic-medical examination when investigating cases dealing with violations of professional duties by medical professionals, were developed.
Key words: forensic medical examination, medical malpractice litigation, analysis.
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