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Demchenko Ivan Serhijovych


Med. pravo., 2017; 2(20): 23-33

UDС: 342.723.7:342.951


Candidate of legal sciences, Doctoral degree candidate of the Legislation Institute of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

E-Health in Ukraine: Legal Issues and Implementation Prospects

Concept of E-health, new phenomenon at healthcare sphere, is scrutinized at this article The emphasis, purpose and approaches to e-health concept are explored. E-health covers all relations with the use of information technology in health care sphere.

Analysis of currents policy documents in Ukraine regarding implementing e-health is made. The implementation of e-health has a significant number of benefits to all participants in the healthcare. However, article is focused on the potential risks of e-health in terms of human rights in health care: the risk of access to health care (accessibility of health care); risks related to consent to: the processing of personal data (as sensitive personal data) / access to information about health; risk related to confidentiality of health information. The correlation between consent to data processing and consent to treatment is made.

The importance of ensuring human rights (the right to health care, consent to medical intervention, information about health, health information privacy) for the further development of domestic legislation related to e-health is stated.

Key words: e-health, right to information, confidentiality, personal data, healthcare.

Reference list

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