Med. pravo., 2020; 2(26): 76-83
UDС: 347.1
Candidate of Law, Assistant of the Department of Medical Law FPDODanylo Lviv National Medical UniversityHalytsky, Deputy Chairman of the Medical and Pharmaceutical Committeeof Law and Bioethics of NAAU, President of LOBF "Medicine and Law"
The flip side of the comfort childbirth coin:some legal aspects
The birth of a child is a physiologically and psychologically complex process,when two, and sometimes more, lives (mother and child) need special protection.Rarely are women as dependent on the actions of those around them as theyare during childbirth. They are surrounded by people who are responsiblefor their and their child's health and life, they are all professionals and mustunderstand that at this time it is necessary to create the most comfortableand safe conditions for the birth of a new life. However, the jurisprudence isfull of verdicts for improper provision of medical care by obstetricians andgynecologists, and in social networks and Internet forums there are more andmore recommendations about childbirth at home, which look like a lifeline in astormy sea of fears, feelings, suggestions. A regulatory vacuum for home birthshas been determined. The case law of the European Court of Human Rightson the legality of home births under the supervision of medical professionalshas been researched. It has been suggested to introduce obstetric supervisionas a method of childbirth at the legislative level. The procedure for involvingassistants (birth doula) in partner childbirth and their legal status have beenanalyzed.
Key words: childbirth, partner childbirth, assistant (birth doula), obstetricsupervision, medical care.
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