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Litinska Y. G., Karpenko о. V.


Med. pravo., 2020; 2(26): 49-66

UDС: 347.5

Litinska Yana Hennadiyivna

Doctor of Law, Researcher, Faculty of Law Lund University (Sweden), Senior Lecturer the Institute of Criminology of the University Malmo (Sweden)

Karpenko Oleksandra Volodymyrivna

lawyer, founder of the Law Office "Karpenko Alexandra", member
Committee on the Rule of Law of the National Bar Association
Of Ukraine

Self-isolation as an Anti-epidemiological Measure: Protection or Violation of Human Rights

In this article we review the legal regulation of an obligation to self-isolatein Ukraine. For the period from 22 April 2020 till 22 June 2020 four groupsof persons were obliged to self-isolate due to COVID-19. These groups are:persons diagnosed with or suspected to have COVID-19, persons that havebeen in contact with those diagnosed with COVID-19, those who consentedto self-isolation when entering Ukrainian borders instead of being placed inspecial facilities, and everyone aged 60 and above. In the article, we analysewhether an obligation to self-isolate should be viewed as interference with the right to liberty and security or with the freedom of movement for eachof these groups. The analysis focuses on the Constitution of Ukraine and theEuropean Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and FundamentalFreedoms. We also study circumstances when the above-mentioned rights canbe limited lawfully in cases related to spread of infectious diseases, such asCOVID-19. This article questions if the actions of Ukrainian government andexisting legal regulation of obligatory self-isolation meet the requirements oflawful limitation of rights/

Key words: self-isolation, right to liberty and security, freedom of movement,ECHR; COVID-19.

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