Med. pravo., 2020; 2(26): 34-48
UDС: 347.45
Candidate of Law, Associate Professor, Head of the Harmonization Center
human rights and intellectual property rights of the Research
Institute of Intellectual Property of the National Academy of Law Sciences of Ukraine
Master of Law, Legal Adviser of the Charitable Organization "100% of Life"
Legal measures to expend the access to treatment duringthe pandemic in Ukraine and in the world
The article concerns the comparative legal analysis of managed entryagreements (MEAs), compulsory licenses on inventions and the use of pat-ented inventions without the permission of an owner of the patent rights in order to ensure the health of the population and in emergency circum-stances. The authors determine the essential conditions and special fea-tures of such agreements. In article the authors present the analysis of theinternational legal regulation of the market of patent rights in the field ofpharmacy. Managed entry agreements are the effective legal instrumentfor ensuring access to innovative medicines, which are still in the post-clin-ical stage, while the compulsory licensing and the government use in thepublic interests could expand access to generic versions of medicines. All ofmentioned legal measures are available in Ukrainian legislation, but noneof them has been used yet.Key words: managed entry agreements, compulsory licenses, govern-ment use, intellectual property, human rights, access to medicines.
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