Med. pravo., 2019; 2(24): 9-25
UDС: 343.6+343.9
Doctor of Law, Professor, academitian of NALS of Ukraine,Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminal Legal Disciplines of Poltava Law Institute of Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University
doctor of Law, associate professor, head of the Department of civil, economic and environmental law, Poltava Law Institute, National University “Yaroslav the Wise Law Academy of Ukraine"
Liability for improper performance of professional duties, which has
caused grave consequences, by a physician during childbirth (case
law analysis)
The purpose of the article is to raise awareness of and stimulate serious
discussion about criminal liability for improper performance of professional
duty by a member of medical profession during childbirth and the necessity to
improve the preventative role of criminal law in this area. This study is based
on criminal and medical legislation and judicial practice of Ukraine, Supreme
Court, General Prosecutor’s Office and Ministry of Health of Ukraine data,
reports of World Health Organization and United Nations Children's Fund
and legal doctrine in the field of criminal and medical law. Totally 28 laws
and papers and 75 court judgments were analyzed.
It is established that the criminal liability of doctors for improper
performance of professional duty during childbirth on the basis of Art. 140 of
the Criminal Code of Ukraine is used very rarely; the causes of this situation
and ways to address them are identified. It was found that the most common
types of inadequate health care during childbirth are inaction in the form of
refusal to perform Kasarev’s operation and failure to provide medical care
during the third period of childbirth, which led to the death of the women
from blood loss. The objective and subjective conditions of criminal liability for
the inaction of doctors, which should be established by the court without any
reasonable doubt, are analyzed. It is proposed to expand the differentiation of
criminal liability under Art. 140 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine by adding
such qualifying features as the death of a patient and the death of a fetus.
The necessity of increasing the effectiveness of criminal law measures used
for this crime is substantiated.
Key words: improper performance of professional duty by a member of
medical profession, medical care, childbirth, criminal inaction, criminal liability.
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