Med. pravo., 2016; 1(17): 11-24
UDC: 346.548 (497.11)
professor, PhD, vice-dean, Faculty of Medicine, Belgrade University, Republic of Serbia
lawyer, PhD, research associate director of administration, Faculty of Medicine, Belgrade University, Republic of Serbia
The strategic and legal framework for mother and child Health in an Accession Country, the Republic of Serbia
The Constitution specifies that children, pregnant women and mothers on maternity leave, single parents with children under 7 years of age and the elderly population are to be provided with publicly funded health care. Since 2000, significant progress has been made in developing overall health policy in Serbia. The present review attempts to describe the strategic and legal framework for mother and child health as an exemplary field of health care, developed in the Republic of Serbia since the democratic change of the national government at the beginning of this century and the increasing orientation towards accession to the European Union. First an overview of the multi-sectorial and sectorial strategies, health policies, laws, decrees, programmes is provided. Secondly the health services for mother and child and their accessibility as well as their outcomes in terms of mortality are described. And thirdly the national response with a focus on the legislation and the requirements of the accession to the European Union are presented. The Serbian government has made considerable progress which can serve as a blueprint for countries with similar orientation.
Key words: maternal and child health, health legislation, Serbia, Acquis Communautaire
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