RSSВерсія для друку
Radysh Y.


Med. pravo., 2015; 1(15): 66-74

UDC: 355.415.6(477):356/358:61-051


doctor of science in public administration, professor of the Department of Health Care Management, National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine

Military-Medical Service as an Important Component of Common Medical Space of Ukraine

The issue of the role and place of military-medical service in the process of state policy realization within the common medical space of Ukraine is analyzed basing on the materials of the round table discussion, which took place on the 12 December, 2014 at the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine. Attention is focused on the principles of formation of military-medical doctrine as an important legal act of the system of medical services provision to servicemen and civil population during the time of war. Current status and perspectives of the system of medical-biological defense in Ukraine are analyzed.

Key words: round table, military-medical service, common medical space of Ukraine, military-medical doctrine of Ukraine, servicemen, medical-biological defense.





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