Med. pravo., 2014; 2(14): 11-17
UDC: 342.721 (470):343.543
Candidate of legal sciences, associate professor of the Department of criminal law of the Penza State University (Russian federation)
Candidate of legal sciences, associate professor of the Department of criminal law of Penza State University (Russian federation)
On the Issue of Pedophilia in a Modern Russian Society
The issue of pedophilia in the Russian Federation is elucidated, historical, contemporary and foreign aspects of this problem are analyzed. Conceptual categories, first of all the meaning of the term “pedophilia” are researched. Legal regulation of this problem is researched, in particular novelties of the Russian legislation, which lie in defining new crime composition –disorder of sexual preference, which is defined aspedophilia.Russian criminal laws in the context of responsibility for crimes of sexual character are described. The necessity to increase responsibility for committing such crimes to minors is highlighted.
Theoretical provisions of the article are supported by specific examples from practice.A set of measures, which are taken in Russian Federation to fight pedophilia, procedure of applying measures of involuntary treatment to persons, who committed crimes against sexual inviolability of a person, who didnot reach the age of fourteen as well as its peculiarities, for example chemical castration are described in article.
Attention is paid to legal novelties in this direction, i.e. abrogation of a release on parole of pedophiles. Authors’ proposals concerning ways and methods of fighting crimes, which were committed against sexual inviolability of children, are formulated.
Key words:crimes against sexual inviolability and sexual freedom of a person, rape (article 131 of Criminal Code of Russian Federation), forcible actions of sexual character (article 132 of Criminal Code of Russian Federation), inducing to actions of sexual character (article 133 of Criminal Code of Russian Federation), sexual relations and other actions of sexual character with a person, who did not reach the age of sixteen (article 134 Criminal of Code of Russian Federation, lecherous actions (article 135 of Criminal Code of Russian Federation), pedophilia, ways and methods of fighting pedophilia.
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