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Pashkov V.


Med. pravo., 2014; 1(13): 33-42

UDC: 346.3


doctor of juridical sciences, associate professor, head of the Department of civil, commercial and ecological law of the Poltava Law Institute of the National University “Yaroslav the Wise Law Academy of Ukraine”, leading staff scientist of the Scientific Research Institute of Legal Provision of Innovation Development of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine.

Transplantation of Organs of a Deceased Person: Legal and Economic Regulation

The problems regarding the provision of such a specific type of medical services as transplantation were researched. Analyses of the legal relations, which arise during the process of anatomical materials of deceased person extraction was carried out. The possibility of anatomical materials extraction was considered in the context of different laws. Special attention was paid to characteristics of a Civil and Commercial codes of Ukraine, Law of Ukraine “On Transplantation of Organs and other Anatomic Human Tissues”.Controversial issues of a “presumption of consent” and “presumption of non-consent” in the sphere of transplantology and advisability of making amendments to the national laws of Ukraine were elucidated. National draft laws and experience of foreign states in particular Russian Federation and USA in this context was analyzed. A doctrinal approach to the ability of transformation of “non-consent to consent” was researched in conjunction with making alternative proposals as regards to therapeutic cloning of organs and tissues on the basis of genetic technologies application.

Keywords: transplantation, donor, recipient, anatomical materials, the legal regime of medical activity, cloning.

Reference list

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