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Korobtsova A.


Med. pravo., 2014; 1(13): 11-25

UDC: 614.2:614.253.84


candidate of legal sciences, associate professor, associate professor of the Department of civil law No. 1 of the National University Yaroslav the Wise Law Academy of Ukraine

Health Care Facilities as Participants of Relations Connected with Personal Data Protection

Main tasksof the health care facilities in the sphere of medical services provision were analyzed.The issuesof obtaining, processing and storing of confidential information, which was received by the health care facilities in the course of medical care provision was elucidated. The law of Ukraine “On Personal Data Protection” was analyzed and objectives of collecting and processing of personal data in the health care facility were elucidated. Objects of protection were analyzed. Subjects of these relations in particular possessors and managers of personal data were highlighted.

Different databases which are processed in the health care facilities and the quantity and name of which should be chosen by the health care facility itself were researched. The author suggested introducing a database “Patients”, “Employees”, “Interns”. Further the author elucidated the regime of observing confidentiality of data and possibility of disclosing these data to other persons.

Key words: health care facility, confidential information, personal data, patient.

Reference list

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