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Kashyntseva O.


Med. pravo., 2014; 1(13): 19-25

UDC: 347.77/78:61:615.1


PhD, head of the Center for Harmonization of Human Rights and Intellectual Property Rights of Intellectual Property Research Institute of National Academy of Law Sciences of Ukraine, attorney-at-law, member of the Board of All-Ukrainian NGO «Foundation of Medical Law and Bioethics of Ukraine»

Human Rights and Intellectual Property Rights in the Sphere of Medicine and Pharmacy on the Basis of Modern Scientific Ethos


The article concerns the legal aspects of harmonization of human rights and intellectual property rights in accordance with the demands of modern scientific ethos. For the deciding of such scientific tasks it was founded the Center for Harmonization of Human Rights and Intellectual Property Rights of Intellectual Property Research Institute of the National Academy of Law Sciences of Ukraine. The main goals of the scientific research of the Center, besides the others, are the following:protectionof research resultsandclinical outcomesin the sphere of medicineand pharmacylegal methods of harmonization of human rights and intellectual property rights in the sphere of medicine and pharmacy; the technology transferring in medicine and pharmacy, development of mechanism for implementing bioethical principles in the field of intellectual property.On the way to harmonization of human rights and intellectual property rights there are certain social and economic barriers,overcoming of which requires considerable efforts of public organizations,rethinking of established paradigms of the scientific community and the political will of the international organizations.

Key words: human rights, intellectual property rights, scientific ethos, inventor rights,the interests ofsociety.

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