Med. pravo., 2020; 1(25): 93-100
Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Medical Law Danylo Lviv National Medical University Halytskyi, professor at the Ukrainian Catholic Law School University, editor-in-chief of the scientific and practical journal Medical Law, lawyer, managing partner of a law firm MedLex, Chairman of the Medical and Pharmaceutical Law Committee and Bioethics of NAAU, President of the Foundation “Medical Law Foundation and Bioethics of Ukraine, ”a member of the World Association of Medical Law and board member of the European Medical Law Association
Legal concept of child-friendly healthcare
The author proposes definition of the notion «child-friendly legal concept
of health care». Three key international standards for the rights of the child,
which are the basis to national legislation in this field, in particular, health-
care, have been analyzed. The issues of combining poverty and health and the
Council of Europe’s emphasis in these areas have been highlighted. The con-
troversial provisions for the 2020 State Health Safeguards Program, including
child health safeguards, have been clarified. Certain legal drafts’ novelties on
the rights of the child in health care have been disclosed, and the conflict legal
segments have been crystallized. It is noted that provisions of current national
legislation in the said field are controversial and need thorough revision.
It is stated that legal concept of child-friendly healthcare is a value-oriented
healthcare system with a child at its core, with clearly defined legal safeguards
that protect the rights and freedoms of the child, and the relationship between
the parties is based on respect, polite, benevolent, attentive and individual
approach to the child and its inseparable connection with the family, actions
in the best interests of the patient, in the conditions of trust to the doctor.
Key words: legal concept, child-friendly health care, medical services,
draft, child rights.
Reference list:
1. Aoife Nolan Protecting the Child from Poverty: The Role of Rights in the Council of Europe (report). URL: (dostup 01.12.2019).
2. Council of Europe Strategy for the Rights of the Child (2016–2021) Children’shuman rights. URL: (dostup 01.12.2019).
3. Spetsyfikatsiia ta umovy zakupivli paketiv medychnykh posluh u 2020 rotsi, pohodzheni Ministerstvom okhorony zdorovia Ukrainy 21 sichnia 2020 r. URL: (dostup 22.01.2020).
4. Proiekt Zakonu Ukrainy «Pro vnesennia zmin do deiakykh zakonodavchykh aktiv Ukrainy shchodo realizatsii prav pidlitkiv u sferi okhorony zdorovia» za № 2684. URL: search.ligaza (dostup 01.01.2020).