Med. pravo., 2019; 1(23): 57-64
UDС: 346.7
PhD in Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Commercial Law at Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Consultant of the Law Firm ILF
Public-private partnership and other legal forms of cooperation between business, state (territorial communities) and blood service institutions in the field of blood and its components donation
Based on the analysis of current legislation of Ukraine on cooperation between the state (territorial communities), the subjects of the state (municipal) economic sectors and private business, three algorithms for establishing such cooperation have been determined in order to attract investments. Algorithms have been made based on the following criteria: the legal basis for the application (legal act, providing for the possibility of a specific form of cooperation), the parties, the content and procedure for concluding an agreement governing the conditions for such cooperation. Public-private partnership is one of the possible forms of attracting private investments and is a joint business with the state (territorial community). Attention is focused on the nature of activities in the field of blood and its components donation, which shall be considered when applying the authors algorithms of cooperation between private business and the state (territorial communities), blood service institutions.
Key words: public-private partnership; cooperation of the state (territorial communities) and business; investments in the field of blood and its components donation.
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