Med. pravo., 2019; 1(23): 9-17
UDС: 342.9
candidate of legal sciences, associate professor of the department of administrative law of the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University
Ensuring public interest in blood donation
The obligation to ensure public interest in the field of blood and its components donation is entrusted to the state through its agencies, and to the communities through local governments. The role of these institutions in the named area comes down to the following: the establishment of rules of conduct in the field of blood and its components donation; funding for blood donation; licensing of activities in the field of blood donation; maintenance of registries in the field of blood donation, including the National Registry of blood and its components donors; monitoring of blood donation activities; prosecution for offenses in the field of blood donation. Coordination of national legislation with the requirements of the European community requires the adoption of new rules of conduct for legal relations’ in the field of blood and its components donation participants. One of the ways to ensure public interest in the field of blood donation is the introduction of effective administration mechanisms. The forms of response from government agencies to violations in the field of blood and its components donation are the following: bringing the guilty persons to administrative liability, bringing to disciplinary responsibility, revoking a license to carry out economic activities in the field of blood donation.
Key words: donation of blood and its components; public interest; public administration in the field of blood and its components donation.
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