Med. pravo., 2018; 2(22): 42-49
UDС: 347.918:61:364.3] (477)
Candidate of legal sciences, associate professor, head of the department of medical law of the Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University, chief editor of the scientific and practical journal “Medical law”, attorney at law, Chief of the Committee on Medical, Pharmaceutical Law and Bioethics of the Ukrainian National Bar Association, president of the NGO “Foundation of Medical Law and Bioethics of Ukraine”, member of the World Association for Medical Law and European Association of Health Law
Arbitration in Medical Cases in Ukraine
The peculiarities of arbitration proceedings as an extrajudicial jurisdictional form of rights of subjects of legal relations in the sphere of rendering medical care protection have been highlighted. The advantages of medical arbitration in comparison with other ways of protecting human rights have been disclosed, also, there have been highlighted functions thereof, as well as international experience in the operation of the arbitration. The possibility for medical entities to apply to an arbitration court for resolving disputes arising in connection with the provision of medical assistance within the framework of contractual and tort obligations has been clarified. It has been established that cases on disputes over contractual legal relations in the sphere of medical assistance are not subordinate to arbitration courts, considering the established limitation in cl. 6 of the Law of Ukraine «On Arbitration Courts»: Arbitration courts are not subject to disputes arising on the protection of consumers’ rights, that is, medical services. At the same time, talking about tort (obligatory relations that arise by virtue of the instruction of the law), the dispute can be subordinated to the arbitration court, but a separate written agreement (arbitration agreement), which refers to the arbitration court for settlement, shall be concluded.
Key words: arbitration in medical cases, arbitration, arbitration courts, subjects of legal relations in the field of medical care.
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