Med. pravo., 2018; 2(22): 9-23
UDС: 346.14:61-057.15
Student of the Faculty of Law of Lviv National Ivan Franko University
Legal Status of Business Entities Providing Economic Activities in Medical Practice in the Field of Healthcare
The article is devoted to the research of the legal status of business entities that carry out economic activities in medical practice in the field of healthcare. The procedure for acquiring and terminating the status of the named business entities has been disclosed in details. The types of legal liability, which occurs for non-fulfilment or improper performance of obligations by the named entities, have been analyzed along with the rights and obligations thereof. The author comes to the following conclusions. The scope of entities, which perform economic activity in medical practice in the field of healthcare, consist of healthcare institutions and individual entrepreneurs, who have obtained the appropriate license and are carrying out activities in accordance with all organizational, personnel and technical requirements. The legal status of these entities has been detailed through the procedure for acquiring the thereof, its suppression, disclosure of the rights and obligations of these entities and legal liability for failure to perform or improper performance of the latter.
Key words: legal status, medical practice, business entities, licensing, health care institutions, individual entrepreneurs.
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