RSSВерсія для друку
Ilyushchenkova Kateryna Olehivna


Med. pravo., 2018; 1(21): 22-31

UDС: 347.440


postgraduate (PhD student) of the National Prosecution Academy of Ukraine

A Contract as a Ground for Legal Relations of Donation Emergence

The article investigates a contract as a reason for creating the legal relations
of donorship and as one of the possible ways of formalizing informed consent.
The author distinguishes a specific object of civil legal relations and a subject of
the contracts in the sphere of donorship, their source of origin being a human
organism, i.e. human biological material and/or actions of removing human
biological material. The peculiarities of the legal relations of donorship, that
make them different from other civil legal relations, are mentioned. In addition,
two types of contracts in the sphere of donorship are distinguished – a contract
of donorship and a contract for the removal of human biological material. The
criterion for categorizing the abovementioned contracts is the parties to a
contract that in their turn depend on the physiological state of the donor and
the criterion of anonymousness. The contents of the contracts are considered,
as well as their subjects, essential and general provisions. It is defined that
the form of the contracts in the sphere of donorship is written. The notions
“a contract of donorship” and “a contract for the removal of human biological
material” are defined.

Key words: donor, donorship, contract, biological material.

Reference list:

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