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Danchenko O.V.


Med. pravo., 2019; 2(24): 26-34

UDС: 347.633:2-457.5


Attorney, CEO atUkrLegis – the practice of family law LLC, Head of the Section of Participants of Family Relationsin the Field of Healthcare Protection of the Family Law Committee of APO “Bar Association of Ukraine”, vice-president on legal issues of the Association “All-Ukrainian Foundation of Legal Organizations Providing Programs for Assisted Reproductive Technologies”

Surrogate motherhood v. adoption: comparative characteristics and current challenges

In Ukraine, modern Assisted Reproductive Technology came into operation
in 1987 and have reached since than high international standard. However,
the development of science and technology in this field is significantly
far ahead moral and legal adaptation of society to new progress, which especially concerns the institute of surrogate motherhood. In the present article the institution of surrogacy is analysed in comparison to long-standing norms of adoption institution, in particular with regard to the nature of both institutions, composition of relationships, criteria for participants, as well as risks and concerns for both methods of family accomplishment. Suggestions to improve legal regulation of ART methods are expressed. There is a progressing reason for enactment of unified law, regulating all legal and organizational aspects of ART, including norms on surrogacy method, which would serve to protection of interests of all parties involved and particularly best interests of the baby. In the view of many common traits between surrogacy and adoption, certain standards governing adoptions can be definitely implemented for surrogacy legal framework.

Key words: infertility, assisted reproductive technology, surrogacy, adoption.

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