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Taras M.V.


Med. pravo., 2016; 1(17): 72-80

UDC: 613:342.7 (477)


assistant of the Department of Medical Law, Faculty of Postgraduate Education, Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University

The Right to unterestricted access to voluntary and confidential or anonymous HIV testing: international law aspects

The article offers a general analysis of the protection of the right to unrestricted access to voluntary, confidential or anonymous HIV testing by international law. It is noted that unrestricted access to HIV testing is an element of the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health. The article describes the formal requirements for the protection of the right to unrestricted access to voluntary, confidential or anonymous HIV testing. It highlights that HIV testing should be accompanied by quality pre-test and post-test counselling and related services. It is noted that arbitrary, mandatory or compulsory HIV testing is prohibited. Nevertheless, arbitrary, mandatory or compulsory HIV testing continues to occur in many countries and that is why there is a need for further improvement of national legislations in this area.

Key words: rights of people living with HIV/AIDS, HIV testing, voluntary consent, the right to the highest attainable standard of health.

Reference list

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