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Med. pravo., 2020; 1(25): 17-28

UDС: 347.13(477):614.2


Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Department of Civil Law and Process of the State Higher Educational Institution “Uzhgorod National University”

The issues of underage and transgender children’s rights exercisewhen receiving health care

The article deals with the issues arising in the exercise of the right tomedical care for minors and transgender children taking into account theexperience of foreign countries, case-law and theory of law. The necessity ofincreasing the age of underage children to 16 years in independent applica-tion for medical care has been substantiated. The rights of transgender chil-dren have been analyzed, and their rights to receive medical care have beenoutlined. The participation of children and adolescents (10-18 years) in med-ical decision-making should be offered in proportion to their developmentalopportunities, to understand the nature and consequences of their medicalproblem, and to understand the foreseeable risks and benefits of the proposedtreatment. Amendments to the legislation on the children’s right to healthcare have been proposed.The rights of the child in the field of health care are extremely topical, sincethe problem of researching the age from which a minor is entitled to receivehealth care is not in doubt, nevertheless, the age issues are considered to becontroversial. The author provides some practical aspects of solving existingproblematic issues in the said field.

Key words: minor, child, medical care, transgender, age.

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