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Med. pravo., 2019; 1(23): 45-56

UDС: 615.38:340.6](477)


Doctor of legal sciences, associate professor, head of the Department of civil, commercial and ecological law of the Poltava Law Institute of National University «Yaroslav the Wise Law Academy of Ukraine»


Doctor of Law, Professor, Headof the Departmentof Criminal Law and Criminal Law Disciplinesat Poltava Legal Institute of Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University

Issues on legal regulation of blood and its components donation

The article analyzes current statutory provisions that regulate issues concerning blood and its components donation in Ukraine, as well as judicial practice on this subject. The EU Directives on blood and its components donation, which have to be implemented according to the Association Agreement between the European Union and its Member States, of the one part, and Ukraine, of the other part, have been examined. The theoretical grounds of legal maintenance of the legitimization of activity in the named field, including those, which aim to protect the rights of patients, have been established. The necessity of legal regulation of Blood Service activity, as well as introduction of a unified donor register have been substantiated. The necessity of introduction of foreign experience of EU countries concerning blood and its components donation due to the transformation period for the legislation of Ukraine in the named field and in connection with necessity of bringing the domestic legislation into compliance with EU standards has been grounded. The article stresses upon the fact that donation of blood and its components is the key to the development of high-tech health care and, as a consequence, ensuring the quality and efficiency of medical services.

Key words: donation of blood and its components; donor; Blood Service; safety of donated blood.

Reference list:

1. Pashkov V. M. (2018) Problemy donorstva krovi ta yiyi komponentiv, abo Indeterminizm nacionalnoyi sluzhby krovi. Shchotyzhnevyk APTEKA. 50 (1171). S. 10–11.

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