Med. pravo., 2019; 1(23): 18-25
UDС: 347.121.2.02:[614.253.84:57.08](477)(045)
postgraduate student of the Department of Theory and Philosophy of Law of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, assistant lecturer of the Department of Medical Law of FPGEat Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University
On the international legal coverage characteristics of reproductive rights
The article researches the specifics of international acts on reproductive rights. It points to the relevancy of the topic by stating that the efficiency of modern international law depends on the responses to the changes in human rights which include reproductive rights, since the adoption of certain legislative acts in a country requires consideration of the international legal regulations. Reproductive rights regulation topic is of significant importance considering the population decline. In the article it is suggested to classify the international acts on the topic by validity into two groups: 1) international treaties (global and regional); 2) recommendatory acts which unlike international treaties do not undergo ratification procedures. Furthermore, several other criteria for classifying international acts on reproductive rights have been also established. In particular, author concluds that it is expedient to divide these acts by the nature of impact they have on the regulation of reproductive rights into the following types: 1) general acts that do not specifically mention reproductive rights; 2) special acts that directly regulate the specifics of reproductive rights. Finally, the article provides the characteristics of the contents of these international legal acts and defines their role in the development of reproductive rights regulation.
Key words: reproductive rights, international legal regulation, international treaties, recommendatory acts, declaration.
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