Scientific and practical journal “Medical Law”

ISNN 2072-084X(Print)
ISSN 2518-7724 (Online)

Founded in 2008 by Lviv Charity Fund “Medicine and Law”
The journal is issued twice a year.

Chief Editor:
Iryna Y. Senyuta,
PhD in law, associate professor

State registration certificate of the journal:
Series КV № 20957-10757 PR of 22, September 2014


  • Ukrainian non-governmental organization "Foundation of Medical Law and Bioethics of Ukraine"
  • Lviv Regional Charity Fund "Medicine and Law"
  • Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University
  • Intellectual Property Research Institute of the National Academy of Law Sciences of Ukraine

Subscription index: 99717

The journal was included to the list of specialized publications in the field of legal sciences
(Order of the Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine of 12 May, 2015 No. 528)  

Medical Law Magazine Policy

Medical Law Magazine is a Ukrainian publication that aims to combine multidisciplinary issues of three sciences - law, medicine and bioethics, which will be useful to scientists and practitioners for the most successful work on the development of medical law in Ukraine as law, science and education. disciplines taking into account international and regional standards and integration processes.

The Journal publishes articles on medical law, pharmaceutical law, the legal framework of bioethics, and public health law.

Specialty for which scientific works are published 081 "Law".

The publication is open for scientific work of foreign and Ukrainian scientists and practitioners, articles are published in the state and other languages (English, Polish and Russian), which allows to attract a large number of specialists from both Ukraine and foreign countries.

The journal will be useful for a wide audience of practitioners, scientists, students, both in the field of law and medicine, bioethics, as well as for anyone interested in the legal regulation of health care and bioethics.

Despite the coverage of theoretical issues, the magazine has other sections in which readers will receive information on international and regional standards in the field of health and human rights, national regulations, translations of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights, a selection of medical cases as national, and foreign countries, in addition, acquaintance with iconic figures, literary novelties and information about interesting events on the subject of the magazine.

The policy of the Journal is unchanged in the intentions and actions of the creative team to grow professionally, to keep the magazine on new international platforms, to captivate new authors and readers, but the reefs of both medical and legal practice create the need to constantly change and remain relevant. be a professional guide.

Scientific and practical journal “Medical Law” is indexed in such international scientific-metric databases:



© Editorial House of the Lviv Charity Fund “Medicine and Law”